Thursday, October 9, 2014


The subject - via its face value - is indeed challenging & NOT an easy (and straight forward!) task. Doing so requires thorough planning; underpinned with sound logic & much importantly, commitment to mount, invest & sustain.

AP Branding supported this challenge by embracing the expansion of the Eden Cheese Franchise - the market leader for block cheese in the Philippines -  via the brand's entry & innovation in to the spoonables category through the launch of Eden Mayo & Sandwich Spread. This undertaking is clearly outside Eden's cheese confines.  Visually, we delivered the cues of warmth, freshness, vibrance & overall taste; & allowing these values to 'speak' & be brought alive in the design exercise.

Monday, September 15, 2014


This is arguably one of the most common (and bluntly); 'taken for granted' word in the dictionary. They say it was meant to be broken huh?

Well, NOT really from a professional sense. This is what clients need from us. They need us to embrace their challenges, treat their business as if it was ours. Believe me: It won't hurt if you'd have a committal mindset to clients. And if they realize this, they will definitely COMMIT to your favor (and give you more work!).

Sunday, August 24, 2014


One of the first few posts in this blog was the Sagota rejuvenation. I am excited to share how such easily extended in to a non alcohol beer (NAB) offer. I am not saying I am a big fan of any NAB product, but more of how such a design and its visual foundation are made malleable and flexible to easily embrace future variants, extensions & overall innovations.

It is always NOT helpful to have a narrow view on design, and doing 'designing' in isolation. Always consider the broader picture & agenda, and see how your efforts can have legs or wings to embrace long-term foresight.

Photo source:

Friday, August 1, 2014


I have always admired Larry Bird. People call him Larry Legend now. Why? He is one of the best in the game (if NOT the best!) What he lacked with regard to physical gifts and overall athleticism, he filled the gap and void by playing smarter, more effectively and really worked his 'pants and socks off' every practice and importantly, every game.

Aside from this guy's ultra high - I would say genius hoops IQ - he was just so relentless at both ends of the floor. Picking (and making!) his shots wisely, and covered (and locked up!) much stronger and larger men at the defensive end. Bird would really punish you - literally - and lay down that killer blow if you are lazy and sluggish.  

I do think that this RELENTLESS attitude and overall mindset is what we need to embrace and exude. There is NO excuse to 'coast along' - step backwards 2-5 steps as it may - but doing so will allow you to play it ahead and move 100 steps forward!

Photo courtesy of

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


We are so fortunate to be part of the leading powdered juice (and the market leader in non-dairy based powdered beverages!) journey to embrace a 'visual upgrade'. I am so delighted to share with you the resolved work for Tang (and now available in stores nationwide).

The revised pack may not be too far away from the brand's previous state, and I would say this isn't really a bad thing. I'd always say to clients, when transitioning market leaders - brands that are extremely so popular - let us be mindful of their individual statures are just so recognizable  and well-engrained in their consumers' individual cultures.  If we just reinvent them to the extent that we throw all visual equities out of the window, we'd end up with a totally different pack. One that is just outside consumers' expectations and end up alienating people (and delivering a disservice to the client and brand).

When seeking change: Don't just change for the SAKE of change itself. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Ever got caught up in a ping-pong of email exchanges with a client or someone important? On hindsight: Was there a time that it felt awkward and worse; heavy and underpinned with some (or with a lot!) of grief?

Email is not bad as it is convenient and quick. But take caution: It can get impersonal and I would liken it to yourself relegating the other party as if he or she is like an ATM machine. Punching through 1 or 2 emails on a certain topic isn't wrong, but if this # reaches like...15- 20 emails, wouldn't it be easier for everyone to just call (and better yet, set up an in-person meeting)?

The advent of technology just made most of us lazy and we tend to hide behind the computer to manage people and face issues. I have always maintained the best way to manage clients is by TALKING to them. Set up a proper dialogue. Call them up. Better yet,  get out of your bum and reach out and be with them.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Achieving success and overall redemption and deliverance on what you do is hard work for sure. No question about that. But it is NOT at all impossible to pull off (and actually, not rocket science in my view). Check out this equation:

It starts with GREAT WORK. And clients can see through this for sure, and they will give you MORE WORK. And with more work, comes stronger MOTIVATION / REWARD and proper REMUNERATION ( $$$:) attached to what you do best. And underpinned with these positive reinforcements, the stronger the chances you'd end up with GREAT WORK again. If started right, it's a cycle that can go on for a long, long time. Believe me:)

Illustration: Ownership by Eric Alday / AP Branding Limited

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I thought of sharing this with everyone. I never quite did the full circle on my initial post on AP Branding 'building' its Saigon presence. Well, here it is:

It isn't easy to bring the business to this stage I must say. But doing so is NOT an excuse to 'hang loose' or slack, but to ensure we continue to be relentless and continue to push ourselves to be better and stronger; and underpin all our efforts with great design work. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Rhys and I are did our usual retail check in a key SEA market we are operating in and saw these two offers:

Notice the milk (Pure & Best) and RTD tea (actually 'made' by Coffee Bean) products. See how simple the elements establish and assemble each brand's individual statures. I could say the shopper can easily identify what these products are (e.g. oh yeah, that is fresh milk; and the other, RTD or Iced tea with clear flavor messaging).

Any product should be made unique - for sure - as such is important in delivering differentiation vs. potential competitors or wanna be's. However - such uniqueness - if you like, should NOT lead to complication and complexity when visually expressing what a brand is all about. 

The simpler,  the better:) 

Monday, June 16, 2014


Another Hollywood-driven (and inspired) entry. Remember 35 years ago, there was a film entitled Kramer vs. Kramer?  A masterpiece by Columbia Pictures, starring no less than Academy Award winners Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep. This film may be a tear jerker, but there is key aspect in which Hoffman's character - our main protagonist - embraced in his role. Ted Kramer literally didn't give up and exuded persistence to the very end. He lost his job, but found one right away in less than 24 hours! (as he said he would!)

A tip for those who may want to start up on their own: Try NEVER to understand what quitting or 'tapping out' really means. We may fall down and fail once in a while - and even several times - but for as long we keep pushing ourselves and be relentless with our pursuit to deliver great work, success (and redemption) will follow shortly.

Photo stills owned by Columbia Pictures.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


I recently saw this offer in my usual trade visit in a modern trade outlet:

It is not a bad looking pack for sure; delivering ample differentiation vs. the usual fresh or RTD milk story which is bunched up with typical graphics of milk splashes, glasses or mugs. Though look closely. And look back (e.g. 5 meters  away from your screen!). Doesn't it look like the pack feels compartmentalized? As if the overall layout was split in to at least 2 components? That's the problem with this pack. It embraces the consistency discipline via a heavy-handed mindset, with little consideration for flexibility. BEING CONSISTENT DOESN'T MEAN ONE CAN'T BE FLEXIBLE.  Consistency is not only derived via a colors holding your pack together; but the overall visual style and tonality can also be utilized to make your life easier (and deliver consistency). If I'd be the one to design this - and I am NOT a designer - I'd utilize variant colors to predominantly embrace each pack; and allow its uniform visual style to hold and thread all variants together to enable it to behave as a consistent range.

Monday, June 2, 2014


I'd like to share this photo - posted w/ permission - from a good mate of mine, Josel. Josel is a driven guy - I've noticed this ever since he repatriated back to Manila not too long ago - he committed to a very active lifestyle, joining marathons or triathlons left and right; trained hard, exuded discipline by seeing every race through.

Marathons or races via sports are indeed exciting, as it epitomizes the triumph of the human will and spirit (despite of tough and often extreme environments and adversity). Speaking professionally, what we shouldn't be doing is bringing a marathon mindset in to meetings or discussions with our colleagues. Marathon meetings are just so unproductive; and a recipe to instantly waste company resources,  time and energy. It wouldn't hurt if you'd be prepared for any session, be clear with the agenda; objectives and overall purpose as to WHY there is a meeting in the first place. And importantly, be succinct with key tasks & milestones that each participant is prepared to embrace (and deliver specially from a timing perspective!). If you can limit any meeting to 30 minutes, it shows evidence of clarity, confidence and control. Anything longer than an hour, alludes to goals being too vague and ambiguous.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

ANT & THE LION source:

This was first brought up to me by Rhys not too long ago.

It's just so funny as to WHY most companies we know still practice this bizarre behavior. Would it be just less stressful (and much happier) for everyone if we kept all things simple and forthright? I reckon we just DO the work - do it GREAT - turn it around and deliver and go home.. It isn't really rocket science to figure this out. Break down all barriers and layers. Lead by being a doer yourself:)

Monday, May 26, 2014


So stoked and excited to share these with you. Rhys and I (and everyone) are hard at work to finish our studio fit out in Saigon. Things are definitely rocking here at AP Branding. Having a solid house and foundation is critical to deliver great work (and what better way to bring this 'foundation' alive by breathing life in to our Saigon studio).

Stay tuned for further updates.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Since it is a Thursday today, I'd like to show some throwback love.  I am sure that most of you remember these stills. Circa 1996 remember?

Jerry Maguire may be seen as a feel good, love story; but can't we just step back and see how it is made relevant in today's service-oriented setting? This guy got fired from a six digit role in a big MNC no doubt (with no bad apples but just pure intentions!),  lost ALL of his clients and was left with just ONE. He never gave up on this one client, nurtured him; and just delivered great work and his life  - professionally and personally -  experienced a 180 degree turnaround. Wouldn't our lives be easier too if we just had this mindset of embracing our clients, making their business as if it was ours and just found solutions by delivering great work? #tbt

Photo stills owned by TriStar Pictures, 1996.

Monday, May 19, 2014


This is another evidence of hard work fresh off AP Branding's NBD oven: Cheese Whiz Milky Delight. It is the brand's foray in to the sweet bread fill segment, innovating and expanding its repertoire outside its cheesy and salty overtures. We are keeping our fingers crossed for favorable off-take results. Available in supermarkets and groceries nationwide (in the Philippines). GO GRAB ONE. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014


This wasn't a bad way to end a very productive week: A good meeting to plan the proposed 2-week fit out of AP Branding's 2nd setup: Our very own Saigon Studio! 

Stay tuned as more news will unfold in the next few weeks.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Rhys and I were doing our usual trade visit in Manila and noticed this latest 'dress change' from this market's #1 brand in soap: Safeguard. I don't think the output was bad; bringing its usual icon to be bolder, stronger, much confident and definitely helping deliver stand out on shelf (also ensuring that key visual equities are still intact so as to achieve a logical transition as to where Safeguard was!)

A key dictum I'd like to share when managing visual transitions of market leaders: Be respectful of its current visual equities; and don't just change for the sake of change itself. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I saw this ad recently and thought of sharing this with everyone. Miller - as beer brand - is one of the front runners of a cold filtered brew; delivering a mouthfeel that is clear and crisp; and not too heavy and 'bloaty' on the stomach. This is their foray in product innovation - flipping the brand's tide - and offering a wholly-bodied and full-flavored experience.  They also did it via a deliberate full kick of 6.9% alcohol content and a noticeably bold and amber structure to ensure differentiation vs. the core offer. Notice the Miller brandmark is only seen as an endorser; and allowing the FORTUNE name to be given much emphasis and personality. As a genuine beer guy, I'd like to get my hands on this.

Source: Miller Print Ad March 2014 

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I couldn't help it but notice this label. Stature is refined and does exude that minimum sophistication befitting a gourmet offer. Yet see the text that sort of behaves as a sub brand? What's that about? Imagine if it was just written straight & without breaking the letters  - C L A S I C O. Wouldn't it be easier for everyone? Pack itself does have enough personality but why complicate???  KISS. Keep It Simple S________ :)

Monday, April 28, 2014


I saw this not too long ago in an airport somewhere in Asia. As you can see in this photo, there is no proper emphasis on the name of the person in this 'call out' poster  His name - which is most important - is just being lost in the clutter and chances are, he may miss this out  and end up not seeing his ride on time.

Same goes for any brand. There should be a proper emphasis and focus on how the brand name is expressed from a communication hierarchy perspective. You can't expect a brand name, along with its sub brand and its variant and flavor messaging and descriptors to ALL scream out loud. Otherwise, this is an automatic recipe for clutter. Discern a proper brand hierarchy.  Make this logical and in line with your objectives, and build from there. Such espouses focus and a much pointed and targeted pack (and brand) messaging.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I am so excited and stoked to share this with everyone. Recently launched in the Philippines, AP Branding lead the design for Cheez Whiz's revised stature to exude a much 'larger than life' interpretation of its key equities; underpinned with creamier and milkier overtures to give justice to the brand's improved formulation. We are keeping our fingers crossed for strong (and positive) off take results post the rejuvenation.